Faculty Sponsor(s)

Baine Craft, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research in progress

Primary Department



Analysis of over 180 articles is being conducted related to risk-sensitive foraging in mammals, birds, reptiles, and arthropods. Articles span research conducted from 1950 to present. Articles will be coded to identify the primary models supported by research in addition to experimental methodologies using a formulaic ranking system. Primary goals include identifying trends between and within taxonomic categories in sensitivity, comparing different models of foraging (e.g., optimal foraging, daily energy budget, sequential choice, scalar expectancy theory), specimen origin (e.g., lab reared or wild caught), experimental location (e.g., field or lab), and deciphering key trends within the literature base.

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Copyright held by author(s).

Included in

Psychology Commons


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May 29th, 1:00 PM May 29th, 2:00 PM

A taxonomy based meta-analysis of risk-sensitive foraging models from 1950 to present

Analysis of over 180 articles is being conducted related to risk-sensitive foraging in mammals, birds, reptiles, and arthropods. Articles span research conducted from 1950 to present. Articles will be coded to identify the primary models supported by research in addition to experimental methodologies using a formulaic ranking system. Primary goals include identifying trends between and within taxonomic categories in sensitivity, comparing different models of foraging (e.g., optimal foraging, daily energy budget, sequential choice, scalar expectancy theory), specimen origin (e.g., lab reared or wild caught), experimental location (e.g., field or lab), and deciphering key trends within the literature base.

Rights Statement

In Copyright

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