Relationship between body image satisfaction and Instagram usage amongst female adolescents

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Don MacDonald, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


The purpose of this study is to examine how the introduction of Instagram and subsequent time spent on the platform influences body image satisfaction amongst eighth grade females. The population consists of female users that have never used Instagram divided equally into control and experimental groups. The Child and Adolescent Body Image Questionnaire is given at pre-trial and post-trial intervals to analyze changes in body image perceptions across a 3-month period of time. Time spent on Instagram and user actions are tracked using the application Reality Check. Tracking platform introduction and usage patterns adds to the literature regarding predictors and consequences of Instagram use on body image and can provide tools for effective parental monitoring.

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May 29th, 1:00 PM May 29th, 2:00 PM

Relationship between body image satisfaction and Instagram usage amongst female adolescents

The purpose of this study is to examine how the introduction of Instagram and subsequent time spent on the platform influences body image satisfaction amongst eighth grade females. The population consists of female users that have never used Instagram divided equally into control and experimental groups. The Child and Adolescent Body Image Questionnaire is given at pre-trial and post-trial intervals to analyze changes in body image perceptions across a 3-month period of time. Time spent on Instagram and user actions are tracked using the application Reality Check. Tracking platform introduction and usage patterns adds to the literature regarding predictors and consequences of Instagram use on body image and can provide tools for effective parental monitoring.

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