Gender, household management, and perceived relationship equality: A study of female-identifying, dual-earner couples.

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Don MacDonald, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


Research shows that the majority of household management still falls to women in heterosexual, dual-earner couples creating personal and marital distress. Since this appears to run along gender lines, it is important to expand the current study to same-sex couples. This study would examine committed/married female-identifying couples that are dual-earners to identify any differences by measuring factors such as high/low-control household tasks, equity, gender attitudes, and decision-making between partners. This study will use MANOVA for data analysis. The results may contribute to understanding equity and household management in diverse coupling, expanding couple counseling interventions to include all dyad constellations.

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May 29th, 12:59 PM

Gender, household management, and perceived relationship equality: A study of female-identifying, dual-earner couples.

Research shows that the majority of household management still falls to women in heterosexual, dual-earner couples creating personal and marital distress. Since this appears to run along gender lines, it is important to expand the current study to same-sex couples. This study would examine committed/married female-identifying couples that are dual-earners to identify any differences by measuring factors such as high/low-control household tasks, equity, gender attitudes, and decision-making between partners. This study will use MANOVA for data analysis. The results may contribute to understanding equity and household management in diverse coupling, expanding couple counseling interventions to include all dyad constellations.

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