Fighting dirty: Whistleblowing in an era of market dominance and corporate corruption.

Faculty-Student Collaboration


Faculty Sponsor(s)

Dana Kendall, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Completed quantitative research study

Primary Department

Industrial-Organizational Psychology


We manipulated severity of organizational misconduct to observe its effect on employee whistleblowing. We created scenarios based upon prior U.S. case-law that depicted low, moderate, and severe levels of law-breaking. Participants indicated the greatest intent to whistleblow when exposed to organizational efforts to fabricate evidence to terminate a co-worker who was suing for sexual harassment.


This poster was also presented at Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Washington DC, April 2019

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May 29th, 12:59 PM

Fighting dirty: Whistleblowing in an era of market dominance and corporate corruption.

We manipulated severity of organizational misconduct to observe its effect on employee whistleblowing. We created scenarios based upon prior U.S. case-law that depicted low, moderate, and severe levels of law-breaking. Participants indicated the greatest intent to whistleblow when exposed to organizational efforts to fabricate evidence to terminate a co-worker who was suing for sexual harassment.

Rights Statement

In Copyright