Effects of new seal introductions on conspecifics and visitor activity

Faculty-Student Collaboration


Faculty Sponsor(s)

Baine Craft and Eduardo Fernandez

Presentation Type


Primary Department



The introduction of new animals into two seal exhibits at the Seattle Aquarium presents a valuable opportunity to assess the benefits of Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVIs) on both visitors and currently exhibited animals. Introductions of seals were measured through direct observations of crowd size, visitor length of stay, and seal activity before and after new seal introductions. Results are discussed in terms of the effects of these quasi-experimental manipulations. By understanding the role that a new animal introduction plays on visitors and animals, we can have a better understanding of how to promote positive AVIs within an aquarium setting.

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May 25th, 1:00 PM

Effects of new seal introductions on conspecifics and visitor activity

The introduction of new animals into two seal exhibits at the Seattle Aquarium presents a valuable opportunity to assess the benefits of Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVIs) on both visitors and currently exhibited animals. Introductions of seals were measured through direct observations of crowd size, visitor length of stay, and seal activity before and after new seal introductions. Results are discussed in terms of the effects of these quasi-experimental manipulations. By understanding the role that a new animal introduction plays on visitors and animals, we can have a better understanding of how to promote positive AVIs within an aquarium setting.

Rights Statement

In Copyright