Trait moral elevation and its role in predicting mental health and social outcomes

Faculty-Student Collaboration


Faculty Sponsor(s)

Thane Erickson

Presentation Type


Primary Department

Clinical Psychology


State moral elevation prospectively predicts prosociality and self-improvement tendencies. However, few studies have investigated trait elevation (TE) in predicting mental health and social outcomes. We evaluated TE in predicting anxiety/depression symptoms, prosociality, and coping, hypothesizing negative relationships with anxiety/depression and positive relationships with prosociality and coping. Participants (N=112) completed TE, anxiety/depression, character strengths, and resilience measures at baseline and recorded daily measures of mood states and stress responses. We conducted simple regressions to test whether TE predicted anxiety/depression symptoms and utilized multilevel models to test whether TE predicted character strengths and adaptive coping responses. Findings and implications will be discussed.

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May 25th, 11:00 AM

Trait moral elevation and its role in predicting mental health and social outcomes

State moral elevation prospectively predicts prosociality and self-improvement tendencies. However, few studies have investigated trait elevation (TE) in predicting mental health and social outcomes. We evaluated TE in predicting anxiety/depression symptoms, prosociality, and coping, hypothesizing negative relationships with anxiety/depression and positive relationships with prosociality and coping. Participants (N=112) completed TE, anxiety/depression, character strengths, and resilience measures at baseline and recorded daily measures of mood states and stress responses. We conducted simple regressions to test whether TE predicted anxiety/depression symptoms and utilized multilevel models to test whether TE predicted character strengths and adaptive coping responses. Findings and implications will be discussed.

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