Influence of Predator Exposure on Stress Responses

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Primary Department



In our study, we exposed Long Evans rats to a predatory stimulus assessing how exposure to fear influenced their level of stress and behavioral responses when compared to control rats. Through performances in effort training, marble burying, and an elevated plus maze, we analyzed behavioral responses to the predatory stimulus. Our study aims to further investigate the basal lateral amygdala’s role in stress responses in rats in future cohorts. We hypothesize that rats that are exposed to predatory stimuli will display increased levels of stress and defensive behaviors compared to rats that are not exposed to a predatory stimulus.

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May 25th, 11:00 AM

Influence of Predator Exposure on Stress Responses

In our study, we exposed Long Evans rats to a predatory stimulus assessing how exposure to fear influenced their level of stress and behavioral responses when compared to control rats. Through performances in effort training, marble burying, and an elevated plus maze, we analyzed behavioral responses to the predatory stimulus. Our study aims to further investigate the basal lateral amygdala’s role in stress responses in rats in future cohorts. We hypothesize that rats that are exposed to predatory stimuli will display increased levels of stress and defensive behaviors compared to rats that are not exposed to a predatory stimulus.

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