It's not you, it's me: Shame & misrepresentation in online dating

Faculty-Student Collaboration


Faculty Sponsor(s)

Baine Craft and Jenny Vaydich

Presentation Type


Primary Department



Misrepresentation in online dating platforms has become more common. Individuals purposefully misrepresent themselves in relationship goals, personal assets, past relationships, personal attributes, personal interests, and attractiveness. External shame, where an individual perceives themselves as existing negatively in the mind of another, has been linked to the use of misrepresentation. There is a gap in the existing literature on how external shame impacts the use of misrepresentation in the context of online dating. Data is being gathered using self-report surveys. Results will be discussed in terms of the impact that external shame has on misrepresentation in the context of online dating.

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May 25th, 11:00 AM

It's not you, it's me: Shame & misrepresentation in online dating

Misrepresentation in online dating platforms has become more common. Individuals purposefully misrepresent themselves in relationship goals, personal assets, past relationships, personal attributes, personal interests, and attractiveness. External shame, where an individual perceives themselves as existing negatively in the mind of another, has been linked to the use of misrepresentation. There is a gap in the existing literature on how external shame impacts the use of misrepresentation in the context of online dating. Data is being gathered using self-report surveys. Results will be discussed in terms of the impact that external shame has on misrepresentation in the context of online dating.

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