Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


Dating back to the 1980’s, Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a therapy approach that helps clients put problems in their life into context as measurable, manageable, and fixable. For many, this solution forward approach helps to improve symptoms and resolve stuck behavior patterns often stemming from childhood. This client driven, not knowing approach helps clients discover their own autonomy and understand that not only are their problems solvable, but that they themselves have the internal resources by which to solve them. However, there is still much interest as to who can benefit most from this form of therapy. However, the goal of this research is to see how effective SFBT is in working with at-risk youth. Is it effective, does it work in school contexts, and how does it fit into a family therapy context.

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May 31st, 12:30 PM

Efficacy of solution focused therapy with at risk youth

Dating back to the 1980’s, Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a therapy approach that helps clients put problems in their life into context as measurable, manageable, and fixable. For many, this solution forward approach helps to improve symptoms and resolve stuck behavior patterns often stemming from childhood. This client driven, not knowing approach helps clients discover their own autonomy and understand that not only are their problems solvable, but that they themselves have the internal resources by which to solve them. However, there is still much interest as to who can benefit most from this form of therapy. However, the goal of this research is to see how effective SFBT is in working with at-risk youth. Is it effective, does it work in school contexts, and how does it fit into a family therapy context.

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