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Project Type

Completed quantitative research study

Primary Department



The covid pandemic created major shifts in everyday life. Many students’ college experiences were changed from on campus classes to remote learning. We investigated how minority students’ overall wellbeing, self-efficacy, and belonging scores impacted their GPA. We used a pre-existing dataset from a large midwestern university (N= 176; N=5 African American/Black, N=22 Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin, N=19 Asian, N=108 White/Caucasian, N=5 Mixed, N= 17 N/A) to answer questions measuring Self-Efficacy, Belonging, and Overall Wellbeing, ANOVA models were used. Results indicated Self-Efficacy and Overall Wellbeing were statistically significant (p .52).

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Psychology Commons


May 31st, 12:30 PM

Effects of self-efficacy, belonging, and overall wellbeing on minority students amidst covid pandemic.

The covid pandemic created major shifts in everyday life. Many students’ college experiences were changed from on campus classes to remote learning. We investigated how minority students’ overall wellbeing, self-efficacy, and belonging scores impacted their GPA. We used a pre-existing dataset from a large midwestern university (N= 176; N=5 African American/Black, N=22 Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin, N=19 Asian, N=108 White/Caucasian, N=5 Mixed, N= 17 N/A) to answer questions measuring Self-Efficacy, Belonging, and Overall Wellbeing, ANOVA models were used. Results indicated Self-Efficacy and Overall Wellbeing were statistically significant (p .52).

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