Person-Level Predictors of State Elevation in Daily Life

Faculty-Student Collaboration


Faculty Sponsor(s)

Thane Erickson, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research in progress

Primary Department

Clinical Psychology


Elevation is an uplifting emotional state characterized by feelings of warmth and motivation toward prosocial behavior when encountering acts of moral virtue. However, little is known about individual traits that predict a tendency to experience state elevation outside the lab. In several samples, we will test whether baseline individual variables prospectively predicted state elevation in daily life. Specifically, in (1) an anxious/depressed sample completing a week of diaries and (2) a nonclinical sample randomly assigned to watch daily emotion-inducing videos, we will test female gender, lower anxiety and depression, and higher character strengths as person-level predictors of state elevation.

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May 29th, 10:00 AM May 29th, 11:00 AM

Person-Level Predictors of State Elevation in Daily Life

Elevation is an uplifting emotional state characterized by feelings of warmth and motivation toward prosocial behavior when encountering acts of moral virtue. However, little is known about individual traits that predict a tendency to experience state elevation outside the lab. In several samples, we will test whether baseline individual variables prospectively predicted state elevation in daily life. Specifically, in (1) an anxious/depressed sample completing a week of diaries and (2) a nonclinical sample randomly assigned to watch daily emotion-inducing videos, we will test female gender, lower anxiety and depression, and higher character strengths as person-level predictors of state elevation.

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