Testing Perceived Moral Transgressions as Mediating Links of PTSD Symptoms to Distress

Faculty-Student Collaboration


Faculty Sponsor(s)

Thane Erickson, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research in progress

Primary Department

Clinical Psychology


Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms cause distress for 5-20% of individuals worldwide. Cognitive models of PTSD emphasize negative social interpretations, and recent research suggests a relatively unexplored moral dimension. In this study, we test whether perceived moral transgressions mediated the relationship between trauma history and PTSD symptoms with distress, using both correlational and experimental data. Participants recruited via MTurk (N = 400) completed measures of trauma history, PTSD symptoms, and perceived moral transgressions. Participants then read randomly assigned news vignettes, with and without moral transgressions, and endorsed subsequent distress levels. Results of analyses will be presented.

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May 29th, 3:00 PM May 29th, 4:00 PM

Testing Perceived Moral Transgressions as Mediating Links of PTSD Symptoms to Distress

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms cause distress for 5-20% of individuals worldwide. Cognitive models of PTSD emphasize negative social interpretations, and recent research suggests a relatively unexplored moral dimension. In this study, we test whether perceived moral transgressions mediated the relationship between trauma history and PTSD symptoms with distress, using both correlational and experimental data. Participants recruited via MTurk (N = 400) completed measures of trauma history, PTSD symptoms, and perceived moral transgressions. Participants then read randomly assigned news vignettes, with and without moral transgressions, and endorsed subsequent distress levels. Results of analyses will be presented.

Rights Statement

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