Seattle Pacific University’s School of Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and offers an Ed.D. and Ph.D. in Education as well as a Ph.D. in Counselor Education.
This series contains successfully defended doctoral dissertations.
Dissertations from 2024
Effects of Fundamentals of Culture on Teacher-Student Relationship in Middle School: A Quantitative Correlation Study, Laura L. Chang
School Librarians’ Self-Efficacy as Educational Technology Coaches, Becky P. Johnson
The Impact of Generational Trauma in Educational Spaces: Inherited Strategies and Tools for Coping, Conrado Abando Julian III
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning Achievement, Jose Rivera
School Leadership: The Conflict between Instructional Leadership and Organizational Management Dissertation, Kevin K. Rupprecht
Building Leadership Capacity & Succession Planning in the Archdiocese of Seattle Catholic Schools, Pamela J. Schwartz
Dissertations from 2023
Put on your Own Oxygen Mask First: Exploring School Principals’ Stress and Workplace Well-being, DL Alex Alexander
An Exploratory Study Examining the Effects of an Online-Based, Curriculum-Embedded Gratitude Intervention for College Students, Cristina Bistricean
Holistic Teaching Practices through a Growth Mindset Lens: A Case Study Examination of ELA High School Classrooms, Joshua R. Gallegos
Equitable Hiring Practices for HR Directors: It is all about the How, Jennifer B. Harlan
Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction and Social–Emotional Teaching Practices for Linguistically Diverse Learners in the United States, Wing Shuen Lau
The Relationship Between Systems Thinking by Building Leaders and Academic Outcomes for Marginalized Students, Dunham Obadiah
Predictors of Secondary School Students’ Future Technological Academic and Professional Readiness: A Study of Teachers and Students’ Factors in Learning Online, Autumn H. Ottenad
The Impact of Embedded Coaching on Educational Leader Professional Practice, Heather J. Sanchez
Dissertations from 2022
A Situational Analysis Grounded Theory Study of University Inclusive Physics Learning Environments, Tali Hairston, W. Tali Hairston, and Wilford T. Hairston
The Implementation of Restorative Justice Practices: An Exploration into Administrators' Experiences, Sacha Starr Helling-Christy
Almost Like Being There: Embodiment, Social Presence, and Engagement Using Telepresence Robots in Blended Courses, Karen G. Hickenbottom
An Examination of Culturally Competent Transformational Leadership Influence of Student Achievement and Stake-holders Perception, Andre E. Stout
Retaining and Supporting Female Faculty of Color: Addressing the Oppressive Nature of Tenure and Promotion, Shevell Thibou and Shevell Thibou
Computational Thinking: In-Service Elementary Teachers Developing Knowledge, Understanding, And Confidence, Shannon L. Thissen
Dissertations from 2021
Using the Community of Inquiry Framework to Examine Instructor Strategies for Emergency Remote Online Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Elizabeth A. Ebersole
Measuring Self-Efficacy of Elementary General Education Teachers Serving English Language Learners with and without Disabilities, Stacey L. McCrath-Smith
Elementary Principal and Special Education Teacher Perspectives of Instructional Leadership for Special Education, Jennifer Norton
The Role of Mentoring in the Induction Experiences of Novice School Counselors: A Phenomenological Study, Kelsey Nugent
Leadership Influence on Collective Teacher Efficacy in Multi-cultural Teams: A Mixed-Methods Study, YaRu Zhou
Dissertations from 2020
Womanism & Wellbeing: A Manuscript Dissertation Exploring the Effects of Shame, Loss and Gender Issues, Christy Angelle-Vidrine Bauman
Does Expectation Influence Relationship? A Mixed Methods Investigation of Parental Expectation and Parent-Child Relationship Among Chinese Family Groups 期望是否會影響關係?華裔家庭中父母的期望對親子關係的影響之研究, Sharon Chiang, Sharon Chiang, and Sharon Chiang
Use of Metaconceptual Scaffolding in the Science Classroom to Promote Conceptual Change, Erin Duez
Video Analysis in Educator Preparation and Its Impact on Teacher Performance Assessment, Kirsten Koetje
Principal Leadership and Student Academic Achievement, Brigitte Karin Manns
Corpus-Based Data-Driven Learning in Reading English for Academic Purposes, Ira Rasikawati
Effects of the Supervisory Relationship on Counselors Development of Self-Efficacy, Carolyn A. Russo
Effects of Metacognitive Training on the Academic Self-Regulation of Japanese College Students, Noyuri Sugitani
Bringing College Classes to High School, Stephanie M. Wieland
Dissertations from 2019
The Impact of Collaborative Strategic Reading on ESL International Students’ Reading Comprehension and Metacognitive Awareness in College, Fatima Benlyazid
Using Metacognitive Reflection to Improve Student Learning, Eric Howe
Educator Mindsets and the Impacts to the Teacher-Student Relationship: An Exploratory Case Study, Tammy Fisher Huson
Academic Success Indicators Associated with Immediate Postsecondary Enrollment, Alexandria C. Johns
A Case Study of Communities of Practice in Schools, Stephanie Ann Knipp
Interorganizational Collaboration in Education for Community Change: An Exploratory Case Study, Stacy Marie Mehlberg
Training School Counselors to Use Motivational Interviewing: How School Counselor Preparation Programs Provide Motivational Interviewing Training, Reagan A. North
The Role of Hope among College Students’ Academic Achievement, Esther Choe Penzar
Student Perception of Digital Technology Usage in Higher Education Classrooms at Seattle Pacific University, Jason E. Profit
School Board Members' Perceptions in Relation to Selected District Demographic Variables, Lisa Truemper Scott
A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Reflective Self-Assessment on Academic Achievement in Primary and Secondary Populations, Jeffrey James Youde
Dissertations from 2018
Smarter Balanced Math Assessment: An Examination of Its Construct Validity for Students with Known Reading and/or Writing Disabilities, Dana A. Bailey
Design, Implementation and Perceptions of a Preservice Mentor Development Program, Jill R. Heiney-Smith
Concept Maps and Feedback in Statistics Learning: Exploring the Effect of Expert Map Feedback and Peer Feedback on Concept Map Structure, Theresa A. Hickey
The Effect of Book Provision on Family Shared Reading Patterns Among Women Participating in the Nurse-Family Partnership, Susan Marie Knutsen
A Case Study Analysis of Elementary Teachers' Attitudes about Student Discipline and the Implementation of Restorative Justice, Kaitlyn M. Spore
Case Study Analysis of Minority Stress Regarding the Academic and Social Emotional Health of a Transgender Student, Laurie Vallieres
Metacognition as a Mental Health Support Strategy for Elementary Students with Anxiety, Kathi Weight
The Role of Resilience among K-12 Principals and Administrators Leading Transformational Change, Paige Evans Wescott
Dissertations from 2017
The Relationship between Principals’ Self-Efficacy and the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Teachers, Abdulaziz Alshaikh
Cognitive Style and Conflict on Superintendent-School Board Teams, Douglas J. Asbjornsen
Morphological Awareness and Advanced EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension, Xu Bian
An Assessment of Integrating Authentic Research in Undergraduate Science Curricula, Daihong Chen
The Effects of Morpheme and Prosody Instruction on Middle School Spelling, Margaret Anne Dornay
Experiences of Teachers and Staff Sustaining PBIS Practices at a Rural Elementary School in the Pacific Northwest, Omar Flores
Sustainable Change in Public School Districts, Angela Cheri Franklin
Predictors of Identified and Introjected Religiosity in Upper Elementary Age Children, Heather Ingersoll
Education and Experience in Nursing Professional Values Development, Heidi A. Monroe
International School Director Turnover as Influenced by School Board/Director Relationship, Zakariya Palsha D+Z30:AE30
Measuring Cultural Competency in Educators: The Educators Scale of Student Diversity, Ronak A. Patel
Dissertations from 2016
A Meta-Analysis of Middle School Science Engagement, Leanna B. Aker
Reflective Assessment, Feedback and Academic Achievement in High School Mathematics, Nalline S. Baliram
Superintendent and School Board Attitude and Beliefs Alignment and its Relationship to Student Achievement, Justin John Blasko
School Boards and Student Achievement: The Relationship between Previously Identified School Board Characteristics and Improved Student Learning, Jonathon P. Holmen
The Relationship Between Student Performance on a Reading Progress Monitoring Measure and the Washington State Standardized Test, Miriam Mickelson
Principal Self-Efficacy and the Teacher Principal Evaluation Project, John A. Polm Jr
The Relationship between Components of Effective Organizations and Teachers' Instructional Practice, Miriam E. Tencate
Washington State School District Superintendent Use of Social Media for Public Relations and Communication, Jonathan R. Tienhaara
Dissertations from 2015
High Quality Visual Arts Education K-8, The Student, The Principal, and The Teacher, Patricia A. Hayes
A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Problem- and Project-based Learning on Academic Achievement in Grades 6-12 Populations, Kimberly J. Jensen
Epistemological and Pedagogical Beliefs of Pre-service and In-service Teachers in a Tanzanian Context, Michael B. Msendekwa
The Effects of Metacognitive Writing on Student Achievement in Advanced Placement Calculus, Lindsay M. O'Neal
Organizational Monitoring Systems and Student Academic Achievement, Adam Swinyard
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The Effects of Creative Dramatics on Vocabulary Achievement of Fourth Grade Students in a Language Arts Classroom: An Empirical Study, AnnRené Joseph
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
The Effects of Reflective Assessment on Student Achievement, John B. Bond