Theses/Dissertations from 2024
The Bourgeoisie Black Church: An Analysis of the American Black Church's Aspirations and Imagination, Alexander Robert Booker
"Me? Be a Coach?" A Grounded Theory Investigation of Coach Identity Among Managers Who Coach, Sara Mary Cannon
Effects of Fundamentals of Culture on Teacher-Student Relationship in Middle School: A Quantitative Correlation Study, Laura L. Chang
Depressive Symptoms and Substance Use Behaviors Among Young Adults Before and During COVID-19, Sarah Chun
Examining the Effects of Social Group Persecution and Traumatic Humiliation in Survivors of Torture, Tilda Cvrkel
School Librarians’ Self-Efficacy as Educational Technology Coaches, Becky P. Johnson
The Impact of Generational Trauma in Educational Spaces: Inherited Strategies and Tools for Coping, Conrado Abando Julian III
Moderating Effect of Secondary Victimization on the Relationship Between Resilience and Sexual Assault Coping Self-Efficacy, Jamie Layton
The Survivability Hierarchy Behind Bars: Themes, Reforms, and Prevention Program Evaluations in Washington State Jail Suicides, Rocky B. Marks
Workplace Psychological Well-Being: An Extension and Validation, Lauren E. Piroutek
School Leadership: The Conflict between Instructional Leadership and Organizational Management Dissertation, Kevin K. Rupprecht
Building Leadership Capacity & Succession Planning in the Archdiocese of Seattle Catholic Schools, Pamela J. Schwartz
Exploring the Effects of Autotelic Personality, Proactive Personality, and Positive Affectivity on Dispositional Employee Engagement, Stormy Soldonia
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Put on your Own Oxygen Mask First: Exploring School Principals’ Stress and Workplace Well-being, DL Alex Alexander
Unhealed Wounds: From Complex Trauma Exposure to Wellbeing and the Role of Coping, Mohammed K. Alsubaie
Prospective Relationship Between Co-rumination and Depressive Symptoms in Early Adolescence: Brooding Rumination as a Mechanism, Katherine S. Benjamin
An Exploratory Study Examining the Effects of an Online-Based, Curriculum-Embedded Gratitude Intervention for College Students, Cristina Bistricean
Holistic Teaching Practices through a Growth Mindset Lens: A Case Study Examination of ELA High School Classrooms, Joshua R. Gallegos
The psychometric evaluation of decent work in India, Jadvir K. Gill
Equitable Hiring Practices for HR Directors: It is all about the How, Jennifer B. Harlan
Suicidal Ideation and Community Connectedness in LGBTQ+ Adults: Can Emotion Regulation and Mindfulness Skills Help?, Samantha V. Jacobson
Implicit Trait Policies and Situational Judgment Tests: How Personality Shapes Judgments of Effective Behavior, Alexander Edward Johnson
Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction and Social–Emotional Teaching Practices for Linguistically Diverse Learners in the United States, Wing Shuen Lau
An Investigation of the Impact of Prosocial Action on Psychological Resilience in Female Volunteer Maskmakers During COVID-19, Linda D. Montano
Sensory processing impacts on sleep patterns in children with neurodevelopmental disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic, Julianne M. Myers
The Relationship Between Systems Thinking by Building Leaders and Academic Outcomes for Marginalized Students, Dunham Obadiah
Predictors of Secondary School Students’ Future Technological Academic and Professional Readiness: A Study of Teachers and Students’ Factors in Learning Online, Autumn H. Ottenad
To make or buy: How does strategic team selection and shared leadership strategy interact to impact NBA team effectiveness?, Brandon Purvis
The Impact of Embedded Coaching on Educational Leader Professional Practice, Heather J. Sanchez
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Impact of COVID-19 on Secondary Victimization and Resiliency Following Sexual Assault, Elena Cantorna
Developmental Trajectories of Positive Emotion Regulation: The Moderating Effects of Gender and Parenting, Hailey Caudle
“Intended Between a Man and a Woman”: Examining the LGBTQ Campus Climate of a Non-Affirming Free Methodist University, Justin Cospito
Managing One’s Anxiety When Work Narratives Misalign, Shannon Eric Ford and Shannon Ford
A Situational Analysis Grounded Theory Study of University Inclusive Physics Learning Environments, Tali Hairston, W. Tali Hairston, and Wilford T. Hairston
The Implementation of Restorative Justice Practices: An Exploration into Administrators' Experiences, Sacha Starr Helling-Christy
Almost Like Being There: Embodiment, Social Presence, and Engagement Using Telepresence Robots in Blended Courses, Karen G. Hickenbottom
The Role of Coping Self-Efficacy, Coping Strategies, and Resiliency Following Sexual Assault, Lauren Hirsch
The HERO in you: The impact of psychological capital training and perceived leadership on follower psychological capital development and burnout, Alifiya Khericha
Ableist Microaggressions and Well-being: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Coping Strategies, Whitney Morean
CoachMotivation: Leveraging Motivational Interviewing Methodology to Increase Emotion Regulation Ability in the Workplace, Michael R. Nelson
Address of the Warrioress: Old Testament Warfare and Women's Role in Wartime Role in w, Madeline Ruby Nielsen
The space between stress and reaction: A three-way interaction of active coping, psychological stress, and applied mindfulness in the prediction of sustainable resilience, Kait M. Rohlfing PhD
Relations of EEG and Perceived Response to Methylphenidate among Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Tara M. Rutter
An Examination of Culturally Competent Transformational Leadership Influence of Student Achievement and Stake-holders Perception, Andre E. Stout
Retaining and Supporting Female Faculty of Color: Addressing the Oppressive Nature of Tenure and Promotion, Shevell Thibou and Shevell Thibou
Computational Thinking: In-Service Elementary Teachers Developing Knowledge, Understanding, And Confidence, Shannon L. Thissen
Integrative Meaning, Mindfulness, and Traumatic Grief Among Bereaved Adults, Brandy Tidwell
A Quantitative Comparison of Employee Engagement Antecedents, Kirby White
Parental Attachment and Compassion as Predictors of Distress Disclosure Among Young Adults, Ellie N. Wilde
'You Have Smitten Me with Yearning': Towards a Queer Eastern Orthodox Christology, Micah Lazarus Orrin Wilger
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Investigating the Effects of Endurance of Marriage on the Relationship between Attachment and Love Style, Melissa Caris
Parental Accommodation as a Mediator of Parenting Style on Changes in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms, Jennifer Cataldi
Predicting First Responder Resilience: Investigating the Indirect Effect of Posttraumatic Cognitions through Coping Processes, Michael Dolezal
Using the Community of Inquiry Framework to Examine Instructor Strategies for Emergency Remote Online Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Elizabeth A. Ebersole
How Social Support Affects Career Adaptability through the Academic Career, Megan Fox
Longitudinal Trauma Treatment Outcomes in an Immigrant and Refugee Sample, Shuen-En Ho
RAD Managers: Strategic Coaching for Managers and Leaders, Audrey Mika Kinase Kolb
Attachment, Trait Mindfulness, and Expectations in Married Women: A Moderated Mediation Model, Elizabeth Larson
Can Gender Pronouns in Interview Questions Work as Nudges?, Fei Lu
Measuring Self-Efficacy of Elementary General Education Teachers Serving English Language Learners with and without Disabilities, Stacey L. McCrath-Smith
The Peace Church and the Spirit of Liberation: A Pneumatological Critique of John Howard Yoder's Political Ethics, David A. Meade
Elementary Principal and Special Education Teacher Perspectives of Instructional Leadership for Special Education, Jennifer Norton
The Role of Mentoring in the Induction Experiences of Novice School Counselors: A Phenomenological Study, Kelsey Nugent
Psychometrics of a Measure of Sexual Assault Coping Self-Efficacy: A Comparison of Across Age Groups, Thomas Pankau
Posttraumatic Cognitions as a Pathway from Resilience to Sleep in First Responders, Emily Peterman Cabano
Detachment and Antagonism as Moderators of Effects of Psychosocial Stressors on Emotional Distress in Daily Life, Christina My Quach
Catalytic Resilience Practices: Exploring the Effects of Resilience and Resilience Practices through Physical Exercise, Mackenzie Ruether
Development of the Sexual Shame Inventory, Jyssica Seebeck
School Violence and Suicidal Ideation: The Mediating Roles of Perceived School Safety and Substance Use Among Adolescents, Jordan Skalisky
Shame Proneness as a Vulnerability Factor for Negative Emotions in the Context of Interpersonal Stressors: An Experience Sampling Study, Oxana L. Stebbins
An Examination of the Role of Interpersonal Stressors and Attachment Style in Dissociative Experiences, Erin Verdi
Understanding Sexual Abuse and Redemption of Persons with Sexual Abuse History through the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, Nag Chi Wong
Leadership Influence on Collective Teacher Efficacy in Multi-cultural Teams: A Mixed-Methods Study, YaRu Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
What Happens When Youth Talk About Their Problems? Co-Rumination as a Mechanism of Stress Generation, Jaclyn T. Aldrich
Moderation of Effects of Anxiety on Verbal and Visuospatial Short-Term Memory in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Rachael Arowolo
Impacts of Motor and Sensory Impairment on Language in Young Children with Autism, Elizabeth A. Bisi
Softening Resistance Toward Diversity Initiatives: The Role of Mindfulness in Mitigating Emotional White Fragility, Vatia P. Caldwell
Does Expectation Influence Relationship? A Mixed Methods Investigation of Parental Expectation and Parent-Child Relationship Among Chinese Family Groups 期望是否會影響關係?華裔家庭中父母的期望對親子關係的影響之研究, Sharon Chiang, Sharon Chiang, and Sharon Chiang
When Proenvironmental Behavior Crosses Contexts: Exploring the Moderating Effects of Central Participation at Work on the Work-Home Interface, Bryn E.D. Chighizola
Use of Metaconceptual Scaffolding in the Science Classroom to Promote Conceptual Change, Erin Duez
Examining the Factors that Mediate the Relationship from Legal Advocacy Satisfaction to Resilience, Desta T. Gebregiorgis
The Costs of COVID-19: Loneliness, Coping, and Psychological Distress in the United States Population, Lauren Hammond
Video Analysis in Educator Preparation and Its Impact on Teacher Performance Assessment, Kirsten Koetje
Autism and Externalizing Behaviors: Attachment as a Protective Factor, Rebecca Kramer
Developing Adaptive Performance: The Power of Experiences and a Strategic Network of Support, Joseph D. Landers Jr.
'We Were Hoping': The Emmaus Road Encounter As a Novel Approach to Faith-Science Dialogue, Harold A. Laurence V