Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Purposeful Investment in Others: The Power of a Character of Service, Kayla M. Logan
Principal Leadership and Student Academic Achievement, Brigitte Karin Manns
Developmental Experiences Impacting Leadership Differentiation in Emerging Adults, Gabrielle E. Metzler
Exploring the Impact of Self-Compassion on Lessons Learned from a Past Failure Experience, Emily Minaker
Parent Emotion Coaching and Affect Recognition in Theory of Mind in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Audrey L. O'Connor
Fighting dirty in an era of corporate dominance: Exploring personality as a moderator of the impact of dangerous organizational misconduct on whistleblowing intentions, Keith Andrew Price
Corpus-Based Data-Driven Learning in Reading English for Academic Purposes, Ira Rasikawati
Effects of the Supervisory Relationship on Counselors Development of Self-Efficacy, Carolyn A. Russo
CoachMotivation: Developing Transformational Leadership by Increasing Effective Communication Skills in the Workplace, Megan L. Schuller
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms as a Moderator of Affective Reactions to Perceived Interpersonal Behaviors, Narayan B. Singh
The Relationship Between Authentic Leadership and Resilience, Moderated by Coping Skills, Alice E. Stark
Effects of Metacognitive Training on the Academic Self-Regulation of Japanese College Students, Noyuri Sugitani
Building and Sustaining Hope in the Face of Failure: Understanding the Role of Strategic Social Support, Kira K. Wenzel PhD
Bringing College Classes to High School, Stephanie M. Wieland
Posttraumatic Growth in the Context of Grief: Testing the Mindfulness-to-Meaning Theory, Honey Williams
Trauma Exposure, Depressive Symptoms, and Responding to Positive Events and Affect in Young Adults, Jana DeSimone Wozniak
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Impact of Collaborative Strategic Reading on ESL International Students’ Reading Comprehension and Metacognitive Awareness in College, Fatima Benlyazid
The Impact of Trauma Experience, Adverse Early Circumstances and Unit Cohesion on Posttraumatic Growth in Active Duty Service Members, John Charleson
Cognitive Functioning, Depression, and Strengths as Predictors of Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis, Tara Annthea Crouch
Campus Shootings: Does Religious Faith and Relationship with Victims Affect Psychological Well-Being?, Melissa J. Gowen
Using Metacognitive Reflection to Improve Student Learning, Eric Howe
Educator Mindsets and the Impacts to the Teacher-Student Relationship: An Exploratory Case Study, Tammy Fisher Huson
Academic Success Indicators Associated with Immediate Postsecondary Enrollment, Alexandria C. Johns
A Case Study of Communities of Practice in Schools, Stephanie Ann Knipp
Exploring the Buffering Effects of Holding Behaviors on the Negative Consequences of Workplace Discrimination for People of Color, Heather A. Kohlman Olsen
Attachment and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Adolescence: Exploring the Mediating Role of Physiological Self-Regulation Capacity, Michelle A. Kuhn
The Effect of a Substance Use Intervention on Co-occurring Adolescent Depression Symptoms, Elizabeth Ann Lehinger PhD
Interorganizational Collaboration in Education for Community Change: An Exploratory Case Study, Stacy Marie Mehlberg
The Effect of Substance Use on the Relationship between PTSD Symptom Clusters and Suicide in Adolescents, Lindsay S. Moore
Employee Engagement Around the World: Predictors, Cultural Differences, and Business Outcomes, Amanda Munsterteiger
Andraé Edward Crouch's Musical and Theological Pursuits: An Analysis of Three Pieces from the Just Andraé Album, Stephen Michael Newby
Emotional Clarity in Young Adults: Operationalization, Measurement, and Associations with Mental Health Outcomes, Madeline D W Noland
Training School Counselors to Use Motivational Interviewing: How School Counselor Preparation Programs Provide Motivational Interviewing Training, Reagan A. North
The Role of Hope among College Students’ Academic Achievement, Esther Choe Penzar
Student Perception of Digital Technology Usage in Higher Education Classrooms at Seattle Pacific University, Jason E. Profit
School Board Members' Perceptions in Relation to Selected District Demographic Variables, Lisa Truemper Scott
RSA in Young Adults: Identifying Naturally-Occurring Response Patterns and Correlates, Brittany K. Willey
A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Reflective Self-Assessment on Academic Achievement in Primary and Secondary Populations, Jeffrey James Youde
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Smarter Balanced Math Assessment: An Examination of Its Construct Validity for Students with Known Reading and/or Writing Disabilities, Dana A. Bailey
Ignatian Spirituality in Vocational Career Development: An Experimental Study of Emerging Adults, Scott Campanario
Narrative Leadership: Exploring the Concept of Time in Leader Storytelling, Helen H. Chung Dr.
The Impact of Bully Victimization and Substance Use on Suicidal Behavior in Sexual Minority Youth, Ashley Christine Estoup
The Role of Joint Attention in Pragmatic Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Ellen F. Geib
Design, Implementation and Perceptions of a Preservice Mentor Development Program, Jill R. Heiney-Smith
Concept Maps and Feedback in Statistics Learning: Exploring the Effect of Expert Map Feedback and Peer Feedback on Concept Map Structure, Theresa A. Hickey
The Effect of Book Provision on Family Shared Reading Patterns Among Women Participating in the Nurse-Family Partnership, Susan Marie Knutsen
Investigating the Effects of Adult Insecure Attachment on Interpersonal Attraction, Fiona B. Kurtz Ms.
International Students’ Responses to Explicit Instruction on Vocabulary Learning Strategies: Implications for EAP Courses, Wing Shuen Lau
Vulnerability in Leadership: The Power of the Courage to Descend, Stephanie O. Lopez
A Grounded Theory Qualitative Research Approach to Understanding Enduring Marriage, Heather Lucas
Examining the Moderating Role of Anxiety Symptoms on Insistence on Sameness in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Wayne Eric Mason Jr
Physiological Activation as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Perseverative Cognition and Somatic Symptoms, Karly M. Murphy
Examining the Interacting Effects of Marital Role Salience and Satisfaction on Mental Health Trajectories of Female Expatriates, Kaitlin M. Patton
An Exploratory Study Examining a Transformational Salesperson Model Mediated by Salesperson Theory-of-Mind, Philip (Tony) A. Pizelo Dr.
Sexual Violence and Legal Advocacy: Psychometric Evaluation of the Legal Advocacy Services Satisfaction Survey, Joanne K. Sparrow
A Case Study Analysis of Elementary Teachers' Attitudes about Student Discipline and the Implementation of Restorative Justice, Kaitlyn M. Spore
The Association of Attachment and Marital Satisfaction Mediated by Implicit Theories of Relationships, Sadie Teal
Summer Treatment Program for ADHD and ASD: The Role of Physical Activity, Sleep and Inhibitory Control, Erin G. Underbrink
Case Study Analysis of Minority Stress Regarding the Academic and Social Emotional Health of a Transgender Student, Laurie Vallieres
A program evaluation of ZGiRLS: The role of cognitive emotion regulation in predicting mental health outcomes in adolescent girls, Julie Vieselmeyer
In Defense of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the Believer: A Presbyterian Perspective, Geoffrey K. Wanyoike
Metacognition as a Mental Health Support Strategy for Elementary Students with Anxiety, Kathi Weight
The Role of Resilience among K-12 Principals and Administrators Leading Transformational Change, Paige Evans Wescott
Postcolonial Discipleship: Movement, Genius, and Uncertainty: Explorations in Contemporary 'Korean American' Theological Discourse, Michael Sungjoon Won
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Role of Morphological Awareness in Vocabulary Acquisition in English of Saudi EFL Learners, Wugud A. Alsaeedi
The Relationship between Principals’ Self-Efficacy and the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Teachers, Abdulaziz Alshaikh
Cognitive Style and Conflict on Superintendent-School Board Teams, Douglas J. Asbjornsen
The Communication of Limits: Christ, the Communicatio Idiomatum, and the Identity of People with Disabilities, Kendrick Barnes
Morphological Awareness and Advanced EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension, Xu Bian
'What Do You Want Me to Do for You?': Request and Relinquishment in Mark 10:35-52, Rebeccah Kay Buell
Jesus-Immanuel: Matthew's Narrative Christology of Divine Presence, Jacob Michael Carlson
Risky Sex and Alcohol-Related Behaviors and Cognitions in Adolescents: Evaluating a Values-Based Intervention, Meredith K. Chapman
An Assessment of Integrating Authentic Research in Undergraduate Science Curricula, Daihong Chen
The Etiology and Phenomenology of Sexual Shame: A Grounded Theory Study, Noel Clark
The Effects of Morpheme and Prosody Instruction on Middle School Spelling, Margaret Anne Dornay
Experiences of Teachers and Staff Sustaining PBIS Practices at a Rural Elementary School in the Pacific Northwest, Omar Flores
Sustainable Change in Public School Districts, Angela Cheri Franklin
Developing Conviction in Women Leaders: The Role of Unique Work and Life Experiences, McKendree J. Hickory
The Role of Organizational Buy-in in Employee Retention, Serena Hsia
The Effectiveness of Text Coaching on Substance Use Treatment Outcomes in Adolescence, Emily Hu
Predictors of Identified and Introjected Religiosity in Upper Elementary Age Children, Heather Ingersoll
Evangelism and the Work of Discipline in Congolese Perspective: 'Evangelism in Congolese Context', Zalema Kuedituka
The Psychometric Evaluation of a Personality Selection Tool, James R. Longabaugh
Education and Experience in Nursing Professional Values Development, Heidi A. Monroe
Approaching Stressful Situations with Purpose: Strategies for Emotional Regulation in Sensitive People, Amy D. Nagley
International School Director Turnover as Influenced by School Board/Director Relationship, Zakariya Palsha D+Z30:AE30
Measuring Cultural Competency in Educators: The Educators Scale of Student Diversity, Ronak A. Patel
Sexual Assault Coping Self-efficacy as Moderated by Legal Advocacy Social Support, Clara Jane Roberts